Skype: speedi-chan
In 10th November 2014, CHADI UPS delivered three phases in/out UPS of 100 Kva, 280 Kva and 300 Kva to a large scale texture plant in Cambodia. The professional specialists from CHADI UPS were sent there for on site installation, commissioning and personnel training. The high-end reliable uninterruptible power systems from CHADI UPS tackle electricity problems in this country, such as:
1. Voltage spike or sustained overvoltage.
2. Momentary or sustained reduction in input voltage.
3. Noise, defined as a high frequency transient or oscillation, usually injected into the line by nearby equipment.
4. Instability of the mains frequency.
5. Harmonic distortion: defined as a departure from the ideal sinusoidal waveform expected on the line.